1. Before leaving:

· Have a medical check-up before embarking on a long trip, especially to exotic countries
· The inoculation will depend of the date of your previous vaccination, your destination and especially the time between the administration of the vaccine and the beginning of your trip. A prescription must be made by a doctor recognised by the International Vaccine Centre. Ask for an international vaccine certificate. When you leave a developed country it is recommended that you be vaccinated against tetanus, typhus and polio and measles. Don't forget some vaccines only come into effect after a delay of 15 days or a month.

· Malaria is a very prevalent disease in the tropics, prevention is necessary by chemoprophylixis as well as taking measures to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes.

· A first aid kit is advisable. This should contain a series of basic medications that can cure the majority of most common ailments. The Roser Miró Pharmacy has worked out a list of the main products you should take. This list is available in the Pharmacy or by request from our web site:

· Sufferers of chronic illnesses should ensure that their daily medication is included. Keep in mind the duration of the trip. It is also useful to take with you a doctor's prescription.

· If the trip is longer than 2 weeks a dental check-up is recommended.

· For people requiring spectacles it is advisable to carry a spare pair as well as a prescription.

2. Usual procedure for hygiene when travelling to tropical destinations:

· Water may be contaminated. Drink bottled or treated water.

· Avoid ice cubes that could be made from contaminated water

· Brush your teeth with bottled or treated water

· Don't eat raw or semi-cooked foods such as salads, fish, meat, vegetables, shellfish etc.

· Avoid eating non-peeled fruit

· Do not drink non-sterilised milk

· Beware of confectionary and ice creams. They are easily contaminated

· Do not bathe in lakes or rivers without prior advice

· Never walk barefoot and watch where you step

· Don't forget that the preservative is the safest means of protection against sexually transmitted diseases.

3. Back from Tropical Destinations

· Don't forget to complete your course of treatment; e.g. in the case of malaria

· Some tropical illnesses do not manifest themselves immediately. In the event of any symptoms advise your doctor of the trips made over the last twelve months


For prevention of malaria. malarone
LARIAM® (mefloquine hydrochloride) is an antimalarial for the prevention of malaria among travelers going to areas with malaria.

Insect Ecran

Spray repelent d'insectes per a la roba.

insect ecran

INSECT ECRAN (Spray repelent d'insectes per a la roba).

Tractar una vegada l'exterior de tres camises de maniga llarga i d'un pantaló estesos. Agitar el flascó i aplicar a uns 20 cm de distancia la part davantera de la roba, les següents pulveritzacions:
· 5 per cama, pujant fins a la cintura
· 8 per cos de camisa y 3 por maniga, estensa horitzontal

Repetir l'operació sobre la part darrera de la roba. Pulveritzar la resta del flascó sobre mitjons, gorres, …

Una vegada seca, la roba queda inodora. Protegeix de les picades d'insectes, fins i tot desprès de 2 mesos y 5 rentats a 40ºC y planxat.

Es recomana associar-lo amb un repelent per cara i mans. Utilitzar a partir de 3 anys.



  • General conditions: the information provided from Roser Miro Pharmacy's Web is directed to complement, not to substitute the existent relationship between a patient and his or her doctor.
  • Privacy and confidentiality policy: Whatever communication conveyed through the Web of Roser Miró Pharmacy is strictly confidential; although the electronic addresses and their content can be kept, your information will not be shared with any external source.
  • Legislation: This Web is managed by Roser Miró pharmacy, legally established in Escaldes, Principality of Andorra. The terms and conditions of usage of this Web are protected under the laws that rule in Andorra. Equally all its products and medicines have been authorized by the Health and Social Health Ministry of the Government of Andorra.
  • Links: The Web of the pharmacy contains links to other Webs, normally those of the labs which manufacture the different products. These links are offered as services and information to provide the maximum information about the products, medicines and treatments, relative to health and well-being.
  • Financing and advertising: This Web neither receives nor has any financing from advertising.
  • The information of this web has been produced by the pharmacists of Roser Miró Pharmacy's team, starting from approvals and subsequent information from the European medicines agency and the USA Food and Drug administration and from the manufacturing pharmaceutical laboratories.


Last modified: 7 September 2007